Imagine accessing deep self-discovery, that launches a new, clear path towards all the success you want.
Deprogramming yourself from all the useless beliefs, fears, and negative emotions that have held you back from the career, relationship, health or financial goals you’ve set.
How much would it be worth to feel completely renewed, goal focused and ready to reach your next level in life?
BREAKTHROUGH DESCRIPTION: This is a 6-8 hour intensive session guaranteed to leave you empowered, free from constraints, and fully focused on your goals in one specific area of life. Through a series of NLP modalities, powerful hypnotherapy tools, and TIME Techniques, you will easily access deep self-discovery to achieve mastery in any area of your personal and professional life. After this powerful session, you will have full peace of mind and understanding of where and when your self-limiting beliefs were created, and eradicate negative feelings, destructive thought patterns and bad habits. The Personal Breakthrough Session’s impact is to have you start living an authentic life aligned with your desires and access to creating new relationships, making powerful career moves, and inventing a new possibility when it comes to your finances and health goals.
This is conducted in 1 day or 2 consecutive days over 6-8 hours:
1 day conducted in-person live or over Zoom, or four hours on two consecutive days
Session consists of intense exercises & series designed to create a breakthrough in your life
One 30-minute follow up call
Clearing of the top 5 emotions (anger, sadness, fear, shame, & guilt) and reset to zero in order to reestablish or create new relationships
Future Goal Setting Session to accelerate your progress
Eliminate limited beliefs that stand in your way of success
Three-person clearing technique that vanishes all negative interactions
Hypnosis session giving you the power to create a complete breakthrough experience
Disrupt your old programming to avoid unwanted outcomes
Remove limiting beliefs you have about yourself and your abilities
Create and install a goal in your future you’re compelled to achieve
Modify the way in which you think, feel, and behave to create achievable outcomes
Remove old habits and unwanted feelings, and create new ways of thinking and behaving
Gain more control over how you think, feel and behave toward people you harbor negative feelings towards
Create better relationships with the people who matter the most to you
Deprogram and Reprogram Yourself For Success